The opencpn pypilot plugin gives the best integration with charts and is supported by all operating systems opencpn can run on including android.
For additional pypilot support, the watchdog plugin provides pypilot specific alarms, and the autopilot route plugin gives the best control over route following.
Currently the plugin connects to pypilot via signalk for actual autopilot control and configuration, however it is recommended to also add a connection in the OpenCPN connections settings to the autopilot ( for tinypilot) as tcp port 20220 as both input and output for nmea data.
The nmea inputs from pypilot to opencpn are pitch, heel, magnetic heading and rudder angle (if available) as well as any nmea sensors connected to pypilot such as wind or pressure.
The nmea outputs to pypilot from opencpn are APB messages to follow routes as well as any nmea sensors connected to OpenCPN such as wind or gps.