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pypilot is the most sustainable autopilot

  1. Reusable components
  2. Robust design unlikely to fail. Original prototype units still operational after more than 5 years.
  3. Distribution in USA and EU. Use ground/surface shipping whenever possible. Reused packaging for shipping
  4. Low power consumption with numerous options to tune for reduced power requirements
  5. A good autopilot allows relaxed passage making encouraging maximal use of sail power.
  6. Author is committed to sustainability (never used an engine sailing over 40,000 miles)
  7. Other autopilot's claim sustainability with nonsense tokenary actions like using one less plastic bag and have few if any of the listed true sustainability features of pypilot, while producing physically larger and less reusable components, then advertising with images of large powerboats making wakes.

Contact me for a special price if you have

  1. no combustion engines onboard
  2. crossed an ocean

apply to win a free pypilot electronics setup if you have the above including:

The author of pypilot would qualify has been sailing for 15 years without the use of mechanical propulsion and would qualify for this prize.