pypilot hydraulic motor controller

For brushed DC motors. Can drive most existing tillerpilots and mechanical wheel pilots.

Controller Current15mA to 22mA
Motor Currentup to 20A
* Motor current is how many amps the motor draws at maximum speed moving the rudder.


* ratio of motor power divided by motor power + controller total consumption

Power Connections

5 large wires attach to an external terminal block:
1Clutch -Yellow
2VCC, Clutch +Red
4Motor ABlue or Green
5Motor BBlue or Green

The power should be applied to the red and black wires. The motor is powered from the two blue or green wires. An optional clutch to engage the drive can be connected to the yellow and red wires.

Serial Data Connection

123purposeraspberry pin
BlackBlackBlue0v, GND6, 9

Note: wires colors will be one of 3 possibilities depending on the controller.

End stops

3 wires can be used for optional end stops. End stops prevent stalling the motor and stress to the drive.

Black - GND, 0v.

Yellow/Red - port/starboard stop switches, shorted to ground prevents further movement in that direction.

Rudder Feedback

3 wires are used for optional rudder feedback.
YellowBluevoltage for angle

Note: wire colors will be one of 2 possibilities.

A potentiometer with 3 wires can be connected to these 3 wires. The potentiomter should range from 1k ohms to 100k ohms. Recommend 10k.

A potentiometer with only 2 wires can connect to yellow and black pins. A resistor should be added from red to yellow of 1k ohms.

A hall effect sensor with analog output can be connected to these 3 wires.

* Controllers Before October 2019 cannot be used with a hall effect rudder feedback without a small modification.

Motor Temperature Sensor

Optional 10k NTC (2 wires) for temperature of the electric motor.

This is generally not needed because most motors will not overheat unless stalled for prolonged periods. It can be used to prevent the motor or drive system from overheating and burning out.